MIL-STD-810 Subject Matter Expertise
CVG Strategy MIL-STD-810 Expertise
CVG Strategy has MIL-STD-810 Subject Matter expertise built upon product testing and compliance since the late eighties. As such we offer a wide variety of services to help you understand and get the most from this standard.
MIL-STD-810 Training
We offer up to date webinars and on site seminars to keep your team current on the methods of this standard. We also stress Part 1 and 3 of the standard that provide guidance on the tailoring essential to using the methods for appropriate evaluation of products.
We also provide MIL-STD-810 Expertise in the following areas:
- Life Cycle Environmental Profile (LCEP)
- Environmental Issues/Criteria List (EICL)
- Detailed Environmental Test Plan (DETP)
- Design and manufacture required Test Fixture(s)
- Test Program Management
- On-site (at test lab) technical support and witness (third-party)
- Post-Test documentation review and test summary report
History of MIL-STD-810
Prior to World War II, environmental testing as it is known today was non-existent. With WWII came a requirement for worldwide military operations involving all kinds of vehicles, ground support equipment and aircraft operating under a very broad range of environmental conditions. Systems were fielded quickly and little or no testing was done to qualify them. Airplanes didn’t fly, torpedoes did not operate after launch, small boats sank and guns jammed. There were few standard procedures for performing tests among the various government laboratories. As a result, industry was motivated to speed the development of environmental facilities.
After the war was over, the precursor to the MIL-STD-810 was written including the US Army Air Force Specification No. 41065 “General Specification for Environment Test of Equipment 7 December 1945. The US Navy developed MIL-T-5422. These standards were continued throughout the fifties, and finally in 1962, the US Air Force drafted MIL-STD-810. By June 1967, MIL-STD-810B was no longer just an Air Force Military Standard; it was considered “Tri-Service” and encompassed the US Army, US Air Force and US Navy as the ultimate product qualification standard. Subsequent versions of MIL-STD-810 have been developed and released to keep up with advancing test methodologies and technologies. Our MIL-STD-810 Subject Matter Experts are knowledgeable about all versions of MIL-STD-810.
Scope and Purpose of MIL-STD-810
MIL-STD-810 addresses a broad range of environmental conditions that include: low pressure for altitude testing; exposure to high and low temperatures plus temperature shock (both operating and in storage); rain (including wind blown and freezing rain); humidity, fungus, salt fog for rust testing; sand and dust exposure; explosive atmosphere; leakage; acceleration; shock and transport shock; gunfire vibration; and random vibration. The standard describes environmental management and engineering processes that can be of enormous value to generate confidence in the environmental worthiness and overall durability of a system design. The standard contains military acquisition program planning and engineering direction to consider the influences that environmental stresses have on equipment throughout all phases of its service life. The document does not impose design or test specifications. Rather, it describes the environmental tailoring process that results in realistic materiel designs and test methods based on materiel system performance requirements.
Finally, there are limitations inherent in laboratory testing that make it imperative to use proper engineering judgment to extrapolate laboratory results to results that may be obtained under actual service conditions. In many cases, real-world environmental stresses (singularly or in combination) cannot be duplicated in test laboratories. Therefore, users should not assume that an item that passes laboratory testing also will pass field/fleet verification tests.
Here are the versions of MIL-STD-810 from the beginning
June 15, 1967
January 1, 2000
October 31, 2008
April 15, 2014
January 31, 2019
CVG Strategy has a relationship with several A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation) Environmental Labs across the country. There are five (5) A2LA Labs within a 2 hour drive of our Viera, Florida headquarters. We can work with you to help select the right lab based on your testing program. We have extensive MIL-STD-810 Subject Matter Expertise and can help you with your test program.
MIL-STD-810 Subject Matter Experts
Our MIL-STD-810 Subject Matter Expertise is not with just one product or product line but has evolved over several platforms including ground mobile vehicles, Air Transported, airborne, ship based and ground stationary systems. Technology experience includes aircraft, ship communications systems, electronic warfare, wire and wireless communication systems, electro-mechanical, and actuated electronics. Most test experts never get to see so many different platforms, which makes our MIL-STD-810 Subject Matter Expertise unique.
CVG Strategy’s MIL-STD-810 Subject Matter Experts include experienced Test Engineers, Electronics Specialists, Mechanical Specialists and even Doctoral Level Electronics Engineers for the toughest problem solving skills available. We can help augment your test and product development program by providing resources that you may not have in-house to help you complete your project on time and to help reduce costs by mitigating risk and reducing uncertainty.
MIL-STD-810 Standard
MIL-STD-810, Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests, is a United States Military Standard that emphasizes tailoring an equipment’s environmental design and test limits to the conditions that it will experience throughout its service life, and establishing chamber test methods that replicate the effects of environments on the equipment rather than imitating the environments themselves. Although prepared specifically for military applications, the standard is often used for commercial products as well. The standard’s guidance and test methods are intended to:
- define environmental stress sequences, durations, and levels of equipment life cycles;
- be used to develop analysis and test criteria tailored to the equipment and its environmental life cycle;
- valuate equipment’s performance when exposed to a life cycle of environmental stresses
- identify deficiencies, shortcomings, and defects in equipment design, materials, manufacturing processes, packaging techniques, and maintenance methods; and
- demonstrate compliance with contractual requirements.
The document revision as of 2019 is MIL-STD-810H and it supersedes MIL-STD-810G, Change Notice 1 which was issued in 2014.
MIL-STD-810 is maintained by a Tri-Service partnership that includes the United States Air Force, Army, and Navy. The U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command, or ATEC, serves as Lead Standardization Activity / Preparing Activity, and is chartered under the Defense Standardization Program (DSP) with maintaining the functional expertise and serving as the DoD-wide technical focal point for the standard. The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology is the Administrator for WG-DTE043: MIL-STD-810, the Working Group that updates this constantly evolving standard.
MIL-STD-810 Webinars
Learn how to use MIL-STD-810 to get the most from your test and evaluation program
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