EZ Test Plan Template – Commercial and Defense
Our EZ Test Plan Template Documents Ensure Proper Test and Evaluation
Using our many years of experience in writing test plans, we have developed our EZ Test Plan Template product that can be used for just about any qualification program.
CVG Strategy now offers our series of EZ Test Plan Templates applicable to the following test standards:
- MIL-STD-810
- MIL-STD-461
- MIL-STD-1275
- MIL-STD-704
- MIL-STD-1399-300
- IEC 60529
Test plans are essential for proper developmental test and evaluation. They specify parameters, severities, durations, and specify data to be collected for post test analysis. They also ensure that the procedures can be repeated when retesting is required so that data and findings are relevant.
Our EZ Test Plans are setup according to their general application categories. Procedures have been selected by standards requirements, and environmental parameters based on detailed tailoring. Here are the current EZ Test Plan Template set categories:
- Ground Mobile (Equipment designed for use on vehicles)
- Ground Stationary (Ground Equipment to be used while stationary)
- Shipboard Controlled (Equipment designed for ship interior controlled environments)
- Shipboard Uncontrolled (Equipment designed for ship exterior above decks environments)
- Aircraft Military (Equipment for aircraft military)
- Ingress Protection (IEC 60529) (Commercial equipment ingress protection)
Environmental and Ingress Detailed Environmental Test Plans (DETP) are formatted in compliance with MIL-STD-810 Task 405. This ensures that all relevant information is available to the test lab to execute a tailored test method that is repeatable and collect all relevant data essential for evaluation and analysis. Each MIL-STD-810 Template is cross referenced to a NATO STANAG 4370-3.
EMI/EMC and Electrical Compatibility Test Plans are written in the Electromagnetic Interference Test Plan (EMITP) format specified in MIL-STD-461. This format is excellent for providing the test lab with the necessary information required to evaluate susceptibility based on specifically defined operational characteristics of the equipment being tested. It also collects information from the test lab so that a record of exact test set up can be replicated for retesting.
Our EZ Test Plan Templates are recognized by A2LA Certified Test Labs as very reliable and comprehensive. We have included, in addition to guidance from the standards, additions including best practices which we have learned by our work at test labs running these tests.
- Comprehensive Test Plan Package including appendices for documentation of information specific to the equipment to be tested. This includes modes of operation, emergency shut off procedures, and other data required by test labs to thoroughly provide accurate test and evaluation.
- License for unlimited use for one geographical location for one year. (Multi-site license option available)
- RFP/RFQ Feature to allow multiple test labs to review to provide you with quote for testing
- One (1) year subscription for secured PDF files (Vitrium DRM Manager)
- Each Package contains one (1) EZ Test Plan Template per Test Method with appropriate procedures (multiple depending on application)
EZ-Test Document Package
Each EZ Test Plan includes a number of tools to facilitate the test process.
Environmental Test Plan Packet
- Test Plan Template (protected PDF). This document, per requirements of MIL-STD-810, provides procedures relevant to Ground Mobile, Ground Stationary, Shipboard Controlled, Shipboard Uncontrolled and Aircraft Military.
- Test Plan Addendum (Word document) This document is to be completed by the customer. It addresses equipment to be tested specific information including: modes of operation, pass/fail criteria, and special test facility requirements. It also includes space for documenting the Unit Under Test (UUT) functional and operational tests.
- Test Lab Data Sheet (PDF form). This document is used to document procedures to be performed and essential test parameters. It also documents test facility report requirements per MIL-STD-810.
- Test Data Form (PDF form). This document is to be used by the test witness to record all required pre-test, during test, and post test data required by MIL-STD-810.
- Test Label (Word document) This label is to be used to identify the test performed in photographs.
Uses Vitrium Digital Rights Management (DRM)
All Protected PDFs are provided by way of Vitrium Secure File Sharing.
EMI/EMC and Electrical Test Plan Packet
- Test Plan Template (protected PDF). This document provides essential information concerning: Equipment Under Test (EUT) set up, execution of each procedure, pass/fail criteria, and tolerances per the relevant standard. All test plans are written per the requirements of DI-EMCS-80201C.
- Test Plan Addendum (Word Document). This document is to be completed by the customer. It addresses equipment to be tested specific information including: EUT Description, EUT Set up, Modes of operation, and Performance Checks.
- Test Lab Data Sheet (PDF form). This document is used to document procedures to be performed and essential test parameters. It also documents test facility report requirements per DI-EMCS-80201C.
- Test Label (Word document) This label is to be used to identify the test performed in photographs.
- Tests to Be Performed (PDF form). This form communicates to the test facility all test procedures to be performed during test sequence.
- Procedure Specific Worksheets (PDF form). These worksheets are included where appropriate to assist the test witness in recording test events.
Compliant with U.S. ITAR & Export Compliance Laws & Regulations
All EZ Test plan documents are compliant with U.S. export regulations.
EZ Test Plan Templates
Our test program documentation experience is based on test program management for many DOD programs for platforms including:
H-64- Apache Attack Helicopter
EFV – Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle
GCV – Ground Combat Vehicle – Infantry Fighting Vehicle
HMMWV – High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
JLTV – Joint Light Tactical Vehicle
MECV HMMWV – Modernized Expanded Capacity Vehicle Upgrade
MRAP – Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle
UH-60 – Black Hawk Helicopter
WIN-T – Warfighter Information Network-Tactical
How many?
The EZ Test Plan Template product is available by application platform, and are assembled one per Method.
The Importance of a Test Plan
Test plans are a requirement for defense developmental test and evaluation and operational testing. They are also a requirement for a growing number of testing protocols such as coexistence testing where the exact execution and scope of testing must be defined.
Establishment of a Test Strategy
Documentation of the testing strategy is especially important for complex test projects that may execute multiple tests. This allows the project manager to clearly define tasks to be accomplished to test witnesses and test lab personnel. It clearly defines test activities to be performed and establishes a test objective. These are the functions of a properly created test plan document.
Essential Communication to Test Facility Personnel
A test plan not only defines the testing activity to be performed, it specifies the equipment to be tested. This greatly effects the facility equipment requirements, man-hour requirements, and safety requirements essential in developing a quote. It also conveys to test engineers the specific sequence and required tolerances.
For many test standards such as MIL-STD-810 and MIL-STD-461 there are no generic test protocols. In most cases multiple procedures within a method are available. Additionally test severities and durations vary according to equipment application and expected environmental conditions. This essential information must be communicated to test facility engineers so that they can understand all requirements.
Manufacturer Specific Information
While a test facility can provide guidance on appropriate testing, it is beyond their purview to provide properly detailed test plan documentation. Ultimately there are a number of issues that the manufacturer of the item to be tested must document. These include:
- Special Heating or Cooling Requirements
- Test Item Required Interconnections
- Operational Tests for pre-test, during test, and post-test
- Operational Test pass/fail criteria
- Equipment Under Test power requirements
- Modes of Operation
- Simulation and Monitoring Equipment
- Performance Degradation Criteria
- Performance checks for minimal requirements
- Parameters to be monitored
- Requirements during test
- Documentation of model, revision, software and firmware revisions
- Susceptibility monitoring and criteria
- Safety issues
- Emergency shut down procedures
Sections of all the above are provided for in CVG Strategy EZ Test Plan Templates for the product developer to fill out. This ensures that all required data for proper test performance is documented.
Test Information to be Monitored and Recorded
Attention to detail is of vital importance in the execution of a test project. It is therefore important to clearly identify and remind test personnel of all test information and analysis required in a test procedure. A mere pass or fail criteria does not provide substantial value to a test program, especially if the test result is a failure. Specific data and circumstances can aid product developers troubleshoot and develop required modifications.
There are special criteria that must be captured if retesting is required. Such parameters as accelerometer and thermal sensor placement must be known so that testing can be as accurately as possible reproduced. This will provide valid test data over a series of tests.
Test Report Information
It is a requirement in many industries, including defense, to provide a test deliverable in the form of a test report that documents a test programs execution, results, corrections, and analysis. If a testing has been properly conducted with appropriate data captured, creating test program reports can be easily conducted. These reports not only document due diligence, they can provide a road map for the specification of future product.
CVG Strategy Test and Evaluation Expertise
CVG Strategy provides test and evaluation consulting services including: test program management, test witnessing, EMI/EMC consulting, and Ingress protection solutions. We can assist with complex issues and help your product management team get your product to market on schedule.
How Can We Help?
Take a look around our site and contact us for more information on how we can help you meet your challenges.
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