Defense Product Testing and Evaluation – DT&E

Defense Product Testing

CVG Strategy can help your product development team through the challenges of Defense Product Test and Evaluation.  A well setup and executed program confirms conformance to customer specification and prevents costly failures in operational testing when the component is installed on its intended platform.  Catching design deficiencies early in the product development cycle can prevent costly program delays and protect your company’s reputation.  We offer a wide range of solutions to help you get the most return from your test program.

Developmental Test and Evaluation

Defense product testing is performed at various levels.  The first level of testing performed by the product developer is referred to as Developmental Test and Evaluation.  This evaluation includes climatic, dynamic, EMI/EMC, and Electrical Compatibility testing.  Standards used for a basis of evaluation include:

  • MIL-STD-810Defense Product Testing
  • MIL-STD-461
  • MIL-STD-1275
  • MIL-STD-1399-300
  • MIL-STD-704
  • MIL-STD-202
  • MIL-DTL-901
  • MIL-STD-202

Environmental Testing

MIL-STD-810 – Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests is a prominent standard for the evaluation of climatic and dynamic stresses that occur in the expected life cycle of a defense product. 
The determination of these stresses is accomplished through a Life Cycle Environmental Profile (LCEP).  These stresses and their severities serve as inputs to the Environmental Issues/Criteria List (EICL) which in turn provide a baseline for design and aid in the selection of relevant test procedure parameters.
CVG Strategy has extensive experience in MIL-STD-810.  We can, among other things, provide pretest product evaluation and provide both LCEPs and EICLs that will allow you to conduct appropriate testing that is justified as required for this standard.  We also offer EZ Test Plan Templates that have been written as specified in MIL-STD-810 Task 405.  A properly written Detailed Environmental Test Plan provides a repeatable test that will return the necessary data and analysis to be of real value.
CVG offers Test Program Management and Test Witnessing services to assist your product development team reach its goals.
MIL-STD-810 is a vast standard comprised of 29 test methodologies and numerous appendixes and addendums.  These test methods must be tailored to the specific environmental profiles of the item to be tested.  Learn the test tailoring process with CVG Strategy’s MIL-STD-810 Training.  Our subject matter experts can help you understand this complex standard and keep you upto date with the latest revisions.

EMI/EMC and Electrical Testing

Defense Product Testing also entails rigorous EMI/EMC testing.  Meeting the severe requirements for emissions and susceptibility can cause multiple redesign and retest cycles.  Our EMI/EMC experts can help with a variety of solutions.  We can provide a  product evaluation to discover design deficiencies and provide design modifications that will work. 

Our team is well versed in MIL-STD-461 and can put their lessons learned to work for you.  We also have years of experience with electrical power compatibility military standards such as MIL-STD-1275, MIL-STD-1399, and MIL-STD-704 and offer a complete line of test plan templates to coordinate your testing. 

Our EZ Test Electromagnetic Interference Test Plans (EMITP) provide the required documentation to ensure that procedures are executed as defined for your equipment.  They provide means of conveying operational modes, define the use of simulation equipment and establish criteria of normal operation for susceptibility testing.

We can also perform Test Program Management  and Test Witnessing to provide a complete defense product test and evaluations services for companies that may lack the bandwidth or expertise of the test and evaluation process.

How Can We Help?

Take a look around our site and contact us for more information on how we can help you meet your challenges.

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