Using Your QMS for Organizational Development

Using Your QMS

Using Your QMS

Using Your QMS to Enhance Profitability

Using your Quality Management System (QMS) to improve processes can enhance customer satisfaction and increase profitability.  The key to achieving these goals is for the management team and senior leadership to identify the strategic direction of the organization and align the QMS to achieve those goals. 

Certification body quality auditors can identify problems, and they may identify some opportunities for improvement, but the ultimate responsibility for optimization of a QMS is in the hands of upper management.

ISO 10014 Quality Management Guidelines

ISO 10014 – Quality management — Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits, provides guidance to top management that enables an organization to achieve sustainable success.  These “management principles” are derived and compatible with ISO 9000 series quality management standards.  These principles can be used to develop processes to achieve an organization’s strategic objectives:

  1. Customer focus
  2. Leadership
  3. Involvement of people
  4. Process approach
  5. System approach to management
  6. Continual improvement
  7. Factual approach to decision making
  8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Engaging Management Principles Through Strategic Decision Making

Like ISO 9001:2015, ISO 10014 focuses on the participation of top management.  It functions in conjunction with ISO 9004 to systematize performance improvements.  It provides examples of achievable benefits and outlines tools to realize them.   A key element in this strategy is effective process utilization of the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) methodology to examine the management principles listed above.

This approach allows for consistent application of evidence based decision making towards to address financial and economic decisions.  The process accomplishes this by applying QMS approaches to the organization and its management.

Accessing the Maturity Level of an Organization

A task within the standard is for management to preform a self assessment of implementations of these management principles.  This provides management with an overview of the organization’s maturity level. 

As the organization matures, it will increasingly embrace the standard and will exhibit characteristics of an agile and innovative group capable of sustained improvement. 

Benefits of Engaging in ISO 10014

Quality management programs are an important investment, and serious consideration should be given to their potential to provide return on that investment. terms.  Given the time, and resources required to engage in such a program there should be measurable return in reduced costs, organizational efficiency, and increased customer satisfaction. 

Adoption of the management principles incorporated in ISO 10014 can allow an organization to achieve its full potential.  By utilizing the standard’s management methods and tools an organization can become more proficient at achieving financial and economic targets while ensuring consistent improvement.

Economic and financial benefits are attained by more effectively managing resources and better implementation of processes.  When properly applied they can increase the overall worth and health of the organization.  Economic benefit can be realized through improved resource management and enhanced customer relationships.  Financial benefits are realized as a result of consistently adopting cost effective management practices.

CVG Strategy Quality Management Experts

Our Exemplar Global Lead Auditor Consultants can help you with implementing a quality management system, which will include a risks and opportunities procedure.  CVG Strategy has prepared, trained and implemented quality management systems for manufacturing companies in many business sectors.

Our quality strategy allows clients new to Quality Management Systems to rapidly implement a tailored system.  That is because everything we do as consultants is processed based. Our Quality Experts have experience with ISO9001:2015, AS9100D, ISO 13485:2016, ISO 27001:2013 and Association of American Railroads (AAR) M-1003 and can readily deliver compliant procedures and work instructions.

We can provide expertise coupled with an outside perspective to assist you in tailoring a QMS that fits your organization’s specific requirements.  We have assisted organizations in establishing programs in ISO 27001, ISO 13485, ISO 14971, AS9100, and ISO 9001.

CVG Strategy is a consultancy offering coaching, mentoring, training and program development focused on areas including Business Process Improvement, ITAR and Export Compliance, Cyber Security and Product Test and Evaluation