MIL-STD-810 High Temperature testing (Method 501) is used to evaluate the effects of high temperature on equipment. This laboratory test method is conducted in a chamber and can be tailored to replicate the anticipated thermal profiles during storage, transit, and operation. This test is intended for evaluating short term effects of heat on equipment and is not intended for replicating the effects of months or years of exposure.
Procedure Selection
Defense standard MIL-STD-810 provides three test procedures for High Temperature; Storage, Operation, and Tactical-Standby to Operational.
- Procedure I – Storage is used to assess the effects of high temperature and low humidity on equipment in an induced environment. An induced environment refers to a man-made condition. In the case of High Temperature it would include situations natural airflow is restricted by means of packaging or unconditioned enclosures. In such cases temperatures may reach levels as high as 160°F (71°C).
- Procedure II – Operation is used to evaluate the test item’s ability to operate as specified when subjected to high temperatures. These operating temperatures could be the result of ambient climatic conditions or specific thermal profiles present in an intended operational environment, such as an engine compartment.
- Procedure III – Tactical-Standby to Operational is used where equipment may be subjected to temperature exposures in enclosed environments such as cockpits and then be immediately required to operate. In such cases it often recommended to determine maximum temperatures induced from solar radiation. This can be accomplished by measuring temperatures on the intended platform or conduction Solar Radiation (Sunshine) testing prior to High Temperature.
Determining Test Levels
It is necessary to tailor appropriate test temperature cycle and temperature range values from requirements, measurements, and those derived from the Life Cycle Environmental Profile (LCEP). Geographic climatic information is available in Part 3 of the standard to assist in value determinations. Additionally, twenty-four hour high temperature cycles for both ambient and induced environments are available in the method that include typical relative humidity levels.
As with most MIL-STD-810 methods, measured data when available is preferred for determining test values. This is particularly the case for environments such as engine compartments or in situations in which solar radiation may be a factor in determining maximum temperatures.
Test Program Considerations
It is often a requirement for product verification that High Temperature be performed early in a program to determine if design changes or are required. However, consideration should also be given to the effects of High Temperature on the Unit Under Test’s (UUT).
High Temperature can cause lasting effects that could compromise a products ability to function in other environmental tests. An example of which could be the failure of an adhesive that could cause failures in dynamic tests. When this may present a significant risk, it is appropriate to evaluate where this method should line up in the over all test plan’s sequence.
Detailed Environmental Test Plan Templates
CVG Strategy offers EZ Test Plan Templates for MIL-STD environmental (climatic/dynamic) and EMI/EMC testing documentation. Our Detailed Environmental Test Plans (DETP)s are written as specified in MIL-STD-810 Task 405. They are available for specific applications such as Ground Mobile, Ground Stationary, and Shipboard Controlled, Shipboard Uncontrolled, and Aircraft Military.
These DETPs include appropriate test methods, (such as MIL-STD-810 Low Pressure) addendums for product specific information, test labels for photo identification and data sheets for collection of required data. Profile (LCEP).
Our Electromagnetic Interference Test Plans are written as specified in MIL-STD-461. They contain the test methodology, addendums for product specific information, test labels for photo identification and data sheets. These plans are available for procedures listed in MIL-STD-461 and are also available for MIL-STD-1275, MIL-STD-704, and MIL-STD-1399-300.
Custom Test Plans are also available for applications not covered in the EZ Test Plan offerings. These plans can be written for any number of applications and their relevant standards.
Put CVG Strategy’s Experience to Work for You
Companies of all sizes, from start up to established product developers, face challenges in product test and evaluation. This can particularly be the case when a product is developed for a new market sector or expanding sales internationally.
Properly tested products prevent costly product recalls, product redesign, and product liability. They maintain customer satisfaction and keep your company’s reputation in good standing. Contact CVG Strategy to see how our testing services can assist your engineering team with MIL-STD-810 High Temperature Testing or any other test and evaluation concern.
MIL-STD-810 Training Classes
CVG Strategy MIL-STD-810 classes will provide you with the ability to develop and conduct an environmental test program. Our two-day course not only provides you with valuable information about climatic and dynamic test methods but also includes training in the methodology to correctly apply test tailoring relevant to the test item’s expected life cycle.
This course is available online or onsite. Ample time is available for questions and comments so that participants are encouraged to keep engaged. Check here for our online Training Registration Schedule.