Compliance by Analysis
for Product Development
CVG Strategy can evaluate a product and reports of testing conducted on it or similar products to produce a “Compliance by Analysis” report.
Compliance by analysis can involve any of the following:
- Computer modeling and simulation – Computer simulation is normally done early in product development to assess potential design vulnerabilities so that required design modifications can be undertaken as soon as possible. This method is particularly well suited for the evaluation of the product to dynamic (vibration, resonances, and shocks) and thermal stresses. Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) a product can be mathematically modelled to include material properties and then run to provide structural analysis, heat dissipation, and fluid flows.
- Acceptance by Similarity – This method can be used where the product is nearly identical to products already tested, and there is no reason to believe that differences would pose environmentally induced issues. Acceptance by similarity can provide savings in time and money when applicable and substantiated with risk analysis and rationale.
- Testing of Coupon Samples – In certain cases there can be significant savings by using coupon samples instead of entire systems. This is of particular value in the assessment of specific materials and coatings where testing of an entire product is impractical.
- Testing of Mock Ups – Where the size of equipment makes laboratory testing impractical, mock ups of reduced sized can simulate mechanisms, seals, and coating. CVG Strategy can assist in the development of mock ups for your test program and develop test plans to guide evaluation.
Typically a compliance by analysis study will be conducted on a specific product (complete) with a review of the design verification and validation package, any current test results (in-house or external), and Life Cycle Environmental Profile.
An LCEP is an analysis of the environmental stresses likely to be encountered during the entire life of a product, from manufacturing to end of life. It serves as an input for a Environmental Issues/Criteria List (EICL) which is a collection of justified environmental parameters for design and product test. These stresses include those found in logistical, tactical, and operational phases.
Any test plans prepared for qualification will be reviewed, and all of this will be incorporated into a third-party review and report. If specific areas cannot be justified, corrective solutions may be proposed on a separate memo from the report. or each item on a Test and Evaluation Master Plan to be reported, we typically will provide the following:
A. Compliance by Analysis Report
- Requirement
- References
- Data
- Analysis
- Conclusion
- Safety
- Recommendation
B. Recommendation and guidance for testing or inspection by third party (if compliance by analysis not logical). Findings from testing will be incorporated into a compliance report as listed in “A” above. Both types of reports will include a rationale for conclusions made to reinforce the validity of the analysis.
Put CVG Strategy’s Experience to Work for You
Companies of all sizes, from start up to established product developers, face challenges in product test and evaluation. This can particularly be the case when a product is developed for a new market sector or expanding sales internationally.
Our product test consulting services focuses on our clients’ most critical issues when it comes to product testing and evaluation. We bring deep, functional expertise in a wide variety of test and evaluation sectors. CVG Strategy has provided expertise in Product Test Consulting for over 15 years for consumer products, automotive, and defense goods. We have worked major Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTL), such as Element, NTS, MET Labs, Wyle and many others.
Properly tested products prevent costly product recalls, product redesign, and product liability. They maintain customer satisfaction and keep your company’s reputation in good standing. Contact CVG Strategy to see how our testing services can assist your engineering team with any test and evaluation concern.
How Can We Help?
We can provide a number of test and evaluation services including test witnessing and test program management. We have extensive experience in many commercial and defense standards.
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