The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is Assessing the Civil Space Industrial Base in the United States in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to better understand this important supply chain network. This study will use surveys to collect data from U.S. organizations involved in the research, design, and manufacture of space related products and services. It will involve research centers, commercial entities, universities, and laboratories.
Reasons for CSIB Assessment
The BIS, under the auspices of the Department of Commerce, and the Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE) are evaluating the U.S. Civil Space Industrial Base (CSIB) by means of the authority of Section 705 of the Defense Production Act and Executive Order 13603. The intent is to gather information that will provide guidance for the formation of governmental policies and proposals.
These policies are generated in an effort to protect and advance U.S., national security, foreign policy concerns, and economic base. The assessment was requested jointly by NASA, NOAA, The NOAA Office of Space Commerce (OSC), and the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Services (NEDIS). Members of the commercial space sector that are chosen for involvement in this study will be required to participate. Although this assessment is a one-time event the possibility for further studies is possible.
The Complexities of Export Compliance
The BIS has been changing its scope and enforcement policies in recent years to address the increased complexities of the international political arena. Export Administration Regulations have continually been changing as more items are being added to the Commerce Control List (CCL). Additionally, the agency has increased its focus on the use of sanctions and denied parties lists to protect these sensitive technologies.
As the BIS places controls on a growing number of technologies, it poses challenges for organizations involved in export transactions. If a business produces or provides military articles or services, there is at the very least an understanding that ITAR export controls will probably be in place. For those involved in dual-use items however, the requirements for export compliance are much less clear.
CVG Strategy Export Compliance Expertise
The BIS Assessing Civil Space Industrial Base is just one example of the U.S. government’s and its international partner’s concern for developing controls that will ensure that potentially threatening technologies are not exported to hostile entities. In the past several years, the BIS, along with its international partners have greatly increased their activities in the generation and enforcement of regulations.
If you are part of a large corporation or a small company with a part-time compliance person, CVG Strategy has the compliance and training programs to help you meet International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Export Administration Regulations (EAR) rules and requirements. As the BIS place controls on a growing number of technologies it becomes increasing difficult for smaller businesses to stay abreast of regulatory developments. Because of this, we provide Export Compliance Management Programs (ECMP) for businesses of all sizes.
CVG Strategy, LLC is recognized the world over as the premier provider of Export Compliance Consulting and Export Compliance Programs for businesses involved in export in the U.S. and Canada. We also provide the essential training that ensures that your team is up to date on governmental regulations, including the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), the Canadian Controlled Goods Program, and Office of Foreign Asset Controls (OFAC) and other regulatory agencies and more.